Teachers are the essential component needed to provide a quality education. Adequate housing was desperately needed to meet the growing student population in Robanda. New housing will enable qualified teachers to live and work in this remote, rural community. Having teachers close by is especially beneficial for the students as it allows them to receive tutoring or extra help. Education creates a promising future for these students. 


Robanda Dorm For 120 boys - $92,500
Outdoor kitchen for Robanda Secondary School – $14,000

Education is a pathway to opportunity. The addition of a boys’ dormitory at the secondary school in Robanda will eliminate long dangerous treks to and from school. Along with a new kitchen, this greatly improves attendance, reduces drop-out rates and increases graduation numbers from 20%-90%. An education can mold a child’s future.


Haymu Primary School Kitchen - $21,800 Partially Funded by Amiti and Shagun Goel

We are working to complete the Kitchen project started by two cousins, Amiti and Shagun Goel, who recently visited the Haymu School. They were shocked to see the run-down cooking area at the school and began a campaign to provide new fuel-efficient stoves.  A new kitchen will replace the existing run-down, smoke blackened kitchen where meals were prepared. This clean, sanitary facility will provide nutritious meals to over 600 students.


From this (above), to this (below).

3 classrooms, a computer room and administrative office at Robanda Primary School – $57,000 Funded by Brian McDonald

6 classrooms at Sukenya Primary - $68,000 Partially funded by the Drollinger Family Charitable Foundation

SPECIAL MEMORIAL PROJECT - Christopher P. Halloran School
at Orkuyene

Chris Halloran was an investment banker turned professional photographer, and a graduate of Dartmouth College and the Dodge School of Film at Chapman University. Chris believed in the idea of education for all and that belief, combined with his deep and abiding love for Africa, led to the concept of the Christopher P. Halloran School.  Focus on Tanzanian Communities is partnering with a circle of Chris’s friends and family to build the Christopher P. Halloran School in Orkuyene, Tanzania, just outside the Serengeti near the border of Kenya. The school will provide housing for teachers, classrooms, dormitories for students, a water supply, and a kitchen and dining hall.  (For online donations, please note in the Comments section that your gift is for the Christopher P. Halloran fund.)

4 classrooms, one toilet block with 4 toilets, and one water tower with a 5,000 liter tank for the Christopher P. Halloran Primary School at Orkuyene - $55,250

Click here to see a list of friends and family who generously donated in Chris' memory.