You have touched over 9,000 lives today

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If you’ve never received a thank you note with over 9,000 signatures on it, consider this the first: that’s how many Tanzanian students are reaching for their dreams every year thanks to your generous support of Focus on Tanzanian Communities (FoTZC).

Some of those students are attending new schools and living in new student housing that you recently helped complete, along with housing for teachers. And the good you’re doing doesn't stop there.

After meeting with local leaders to assess the success of past projects and evaluate current needs, FoTZC is meeting some big goals for our Tanzanian partners. 

  • Teacher housing for the Haymu Primary and Mondorosi Primary/Secondary schools will allow the Tanzanian government to provide additional teachers for overcrowded classes.

  • 16 new sanitary toilets at Haymu Primary School — replacing the single outhouse used by all the staff and students — will improve student health and reduce absenteeism.

  • New dormitories for 80 boys at Robanda Secondary School and 80 girls at Soit Sambu Secondary School will eliminate long walks to school for some and overcrowded bunk beds for others, as well as giving them time for study and homework in a safe and comfortable environment.

  • Three new Mondorosi classrooms have reduced the number of students in each classroom from 120 to 40 students.

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All of these projects rely on the same incredible generosity you’ve already shown. They all help transform these dreams into healthy lives, better education, and better futures for thousands of Tanzanians.

So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts and the hearts of these 9,000 children, for all you do and continue to do. Your support is the foundation atop which Tanzanians are building a better tomorrow for themselves and their families.