
A Growing Need in Sukenya

The new year began with a record number of patients seeking medical services at our dispensary in Sukenya. In January alone, 454 adults and 178 children, along with 31 expecting mothers walked through the doors of the clinic. As we shared in October, in its first months of operation, the dispensary was already treating on average three times the number of patients as similar facilities in the region. As staff continue to provide exceptional care and services and news of the dispensary spreads, patients are choosing our facility over others.

Greeting and treating an average of over 600 patients per month is no easy task. The community has asked us to build additional housing to enable the Tanzanian government to dispatch additional medical staff. This will allow the dispensary to continue to provide exceptional care to the growing number of community members who are traveling greater distances for treatment as the facility's reputation grows.

Plans are underway to build additional housing for Sukenya dispensary staff in 2017. Please support this very important project by making a gift today. 

*Patient numbers for June, July, August, and September of 2015 are an average of the total patients who visited the dispensary over those four months.