Nainokanoka Primary School

In 2001, Thomson Safaris took a number of families from the Shady Hill School to the Maasai village of Nainokanoka near Ngorongoro Crater. After visiting a traditional Maasai home and a medical clinic, the group also visited Nainokanoka Primary School. The visitors taught impromptu lessons and became deeply attached to the school and its mission of spreading education to uplift Maasai communities. FoTZC contributed funds to rehabilitate classrooms and, a few years later, constructed two additional classrooms. In 2012, we built a 2-in-1 teachers’ house.

Completed Projects at Nainokanoka

2-in-1 Teachers' House: Completed 2012
Two Classrooms: Completed 2005-2006
Refurbish Existing Classrooms: Completed 2001-2003